Calendar Integration

One of the best resources on the internet is a regularly updated calendar. We check sports schedules and local band gigs. We keep our own lives on track with a good calendar. Now we can link to your personal or business calendar and schedule an appointment for you. A customer can schedule a chat with you, a haircut or a visit to get an estimate - without even talking to you! You can wake up in the morning and get your appointments along with the address, phone number, and even desired work to be performed. You'll feel comfortable jumping in the car and heading to the appointment because our system will follow up with the client sending our confirmations and reminders.

How does it work?

We will set up a calendar that links to your calendar. Customers/clients can pick a date and time that works best for them (figs. 1 & 2 below) - that will coincide with with times you are available. They fill in their contact information and any other details you may need to gather to prepare for the appointment (fig. 3) and we will automate a confirmation that the appointment has been set (fig. 4). We will also set up reminders for the appointment to decrease the possibility of a no-show. Want to try it? Book an appointment with us!

Our commitment to our clients...


Satisfied clients

Our goal is to solve marketing problems for our clients so their attention can be on the customers.


Fulfilled expectations

Our commitment is to deliver the product and results the client expected.



Strategic spending to reduce risk and achieve best results for our clients.

Let's secure your game plan!

2024 Game Plan Vault